Kind Thoughts

“Grim thoughts, and not easy to refute.” (Noam Chomsky on The Corporate Cockroach Conspiracy)

Painful to believe, but there’s more than a little chance that we’ll all go into that dark night with this buffoon in the lead.  Hard not to look with foreboding at the year ahead.(response from Noam re: my essay; “Barbarians at the Gate”

Quite a story.  The best part is that “the bastards haven’t stopped me yet! I’m going to keep on fighting them until my dying days.” That’s the right attitude, and over time, it does make a difference. (Noam’s reply to my first e-mail to him in 2006)

Hi Rob – Thanks for getting in touch and sending me your letter to your son. What a creative form of communication!  It’s a moving testament to a son about the military from a father, and your words (and great photos) are heartfelt and on point. Your son is a fortunate person! In fact, I think I’ll give the link, if it’s ok, to some of students in my BC course called Peace or War. I think it will interest them! (Professor Charles Derber, Boston College; in response to my essay, The Politics of Patriotism)

your essay pretty much says it all. maybe you can get it published somewhere, tho you might have to shorten it a bit.
all the best, MP (Michael Parenti) response to “The Politics of Patriotism”

“laughter through tears,” to borrow from my heritage” (Noam’s reply to short, satirical piece “A Recipe for Disaster”

Nice but my laughter aims to keep me from crying —Richard Wolff (Marxian economist) re: my satirical piece “A Recipe for Disaster”

Well-put, and I fully share the frustration and incomprehension. (Noam’s response to “A Critical Point”)



April 2024